Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I can tan!!!!

I was planning on writing about what I've been up to but something more important has been brought to my attention: I HAVE TAN LINES

No kidding. 

Today I was sitting beside a friend's pool when someone pointed out how white my stomach was compared to the rest of me. Upon closer inspection I noticed that it was true. My skin had turned a distinct shade of light brown in my most sun soaked areas.

Most of my life I have been the pasty kid. My dad has darker skin, my mum has more olive skin, my brothers all go poo-brown and then there is me; the throwback token pasty one.

In fact, it is well known among my friends and family that I am always varying shades of white, ivory and pearl. In summer I am more of a white colour but in winter it's more of an ivory as my already white skin goes almost transparent due to lack of Vitamin E.

But this year it all changed. 

I left New Zealand's winter for an America summer. On the first day of camp I cracked out my pasty unshaven legs for all to see. Thankfully there were others in my position but many of them quickly turned varying shades of brown. 

I watched on waiting for this to happen to me.

Three weeks on...nothing.

Five weeks on my hopes were raised when Bones, who was giving me a back massage, mentioned to me that I was getting epic tan lines. Then after a pause she proceeded to tell me that no, in fact, it was dirt. Yip dirt was all over my back and top. Great. Hopes of getting a tan were dashed again.

Then today, nearly eight weeks on I saw myself in a full-length mirror for the first time in a bikini. There is a distinct sock tan, singlet tan, sports bra tan and short line tan.

That's right. Four tan lines. Long may they survive.

*Photographic evidence is available

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Things I learned this week...

1. I do not have lice which is good. Very very good news.
2. A lot of girls have lice.
3. What lice look like.
4. European liceis different from American lice - who knew?
5. Torrential downpours + tents = bad
6. Torrential downpours + shack = still bad
7. You can fit six people in the back of one car and still cheers to everything that is "great" in the world
8. Sometimes somebody elses problems are just what you need to forget your own
9. American's don't like Earl Grey (I know it's shocking)
10. How to lose weight the Aloha way - become a vegetarian as you won't get fed (I am doing the opposite- never fear)
11. I can not perform a haka but people here think I can
12. American's will believe anything if you say it's from your own country.
13. People here don't know what capsicum is.
14. People can't understand me and have just been nodding at me.
15. Fake it till you make it.
16. I still do not have lice. Yipee.
17. I still don't have lice even after being on Lanai (health house) duty - phew.
18. A kanaka is a fairy according to Aloha but means servant in another language.
19. I don't know how to canoe but thankfully I don't need that skill (see 15)
20. Hot days + walk-in = fantastic
21. When it comes to food people resort ot their tribal insticts - run, catch then eat.
22. I can run faster than a 13 year old.
23. Making girls run suicides is a great way of making them shut up when they are annoying you in tennis.
24. Cheese is awesome.
25. People put peanut butter on their knees when they go on trips - weird.
26. Full grown woman painted all green is highly entertaining
27. Rolling down hills with rocks on it is not good for me.
28. I bruise easily.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Once again it's bullet points...

- Despite giving the instructor a minor heart attack by driving on the left at one point I passed a van driving test

- Skinny dipping is a major part of camp

- I am now head of the 13 year year old girls at camp along with an Australian girl

- Internet running out....

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My life has turned into a musical.....

I don't have much time to write right now - except to say that:

1. I'm alive
2. My life has turned into a musical. The people at camp sing about everything and I mean EVERYTHING.
3. I am living in a shack.
4. We only can shower about once every 2-3 days as there's 2 showers for 50 people.
5. Vermont is beautiful.
6. Walmart is awesome.
7. The camp is in the middle of nowhere.
8. I broke a canoe - story about that will come later
9. Shorthand is great as people can't read what I'm writing so the nosey kids have no idea
10. I'm going to learn archery

Monday, June 14, 2010

The final days in New York

The last couple of days have been jam packed.

I've walked through Central Park, over the Brooklyn Bridge, eaten in Times Square, strolled down 5th avenue and toured around West Village.

Ju and I ended up going out for wine which turned into cocktails which turned into beer on Saturday night. Was a great night out. I even beat some Americans at fooseball (I have no idea how to spell that).

Unfortunately, the really late night meant I slept through half of Sunday so my sightseeing was cut a little short but I'm sure I'll be back in NY at some point.

Anyway, am off to camp today so heading to the train station.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Travelling solo = forced to make new friends

Travelling by yourself is a great way to make friends.

From the moment I stepped on the plane where I met Jesse and James to when I was in LA airport with Chrystel, Max and Paul to walking Broadway with another Paul to dinner tonight where I was with Emma. Travelling solo has pushed me out of my comfort zone forcing me to be more outgoing. Having said that I find solo travellers naturally gravitate toward eachother as it's easier to approach them then a group of a few people.

The people I've been meeting are from all walks of life - maybe people I wouldn't normally meet but you have one thing in common; you're in a big city, alone.

Plus, I've had to rely on these strangers. Fopr example in LAX Chrystel and I teamed up and I was in charge of passports while she dealt with our baggaage as we ran through it trying to catch our next plane. She didn't know me from a bar of soap but because she knew I was going to America alone, like her, she instantly trusted me with her passport and I did the same to her with my luggage.

Sure some of these people I will never see again in my life but the point is, for whatever reason, be it comfort, a need to talk to somone or have someone be there to appreciate a sight with you, in a city this big you really are never alone.

Models and fat people

New York really seems to be a place where there are a lot of skinny stunning tall women and several obese Americans.

Depending where you look it can put you off your food. Look one way and there's a skinny person making you feel guilty about eating that great slice of cheese coated pizza but look the other way and there's a fat person shoving their face which just, well, makes you not want that slice of greasy goodness anymore.

The most fascinating thing here is really the people. Times Square seems to be full of tourists, while getting further out there are different sects of models, hip young people, older hardened New Yorkers and hawkers selling anything from "Obama condoms" to that useless I love New York T-shirt. FYI I bought the t-shirt for $2 not the condoms.

I've also been fascinated by how many Jewish people there are here.

It's a fascinating city which captures my attention at every corner for its people watching opportunities as much as its famous sights and sounds.